Whether you’re a property owner, investor, lender or prospective purchaser in a changing market having an accurate and up-to-date valuation of your property makes sound business sense. wsb act on behalf of major financial lending institutions, pension funds, accountants, property companies (local, regional and national) and private individuals in providing valuations across all sectors, including industrial, offices, retail, residential, investment and owner occupied premises. Development appraisals and residual valuations can be undertaken on commercial, residential or mixed use schemes.
Red book valuations are provided in full compliance with the RICS Valuation – Professional Standards (current edition) and Carl Smith MRICS is a member of the RICS Valuer Registration Scheme (VRS) which is the monitoring scheme for all members undertaking valuations in accordance with RICS 'Red Book'.
wsb advise companies, investors and individuals on the valuation of their property assets for a range of purposes including;
- Loan Security
- Company or Financial Reports
- Development appraisals and residual valuations
- Independent Expert
- Pensions
- Marital Disputes
- Probate and Inheritance Tax
- Capital Gains Tax
- Asset / Investment Appraisals